Every Tuesday! ★FREE★ Coding Study Group  learn more!

LIVE Classes.

learnOn.com vs Your Other Options:

At learnOn.com we love learning!  Whether you choose to join us, study on your own, choose a bootcamp, or get a computer science degree, there are tremendous benefits to becoming a web‑developer.

The following pricing matrix compares learnOn.com to your other options.  As you will see, our classes are an affordable way to expand your learning with a community of people on a similar journey.

Self Study


  • Great Place to Start!
    (Now continue with us...)
  • Checkout Classes
  • No Mentorship
  • No One to Ask Questions
  • No One to Review Your Code
  • No Guidance on How to Improve
  • No Peers to Learn With
  • No Accountability
  • Difficult to Assess Progress
  • Lots of Time Wasted Learning Wrong Stuff
  • No Project Collaboration


Low Cost
/ Nights & Weekends

Checkout Classes
  • In-person Instruction
  • Mentorship
  • A Peer Group
  • Accountability
  • Deeper Understanding
  • Practical Skills
  • Get Productive Sooner
  • Flexible Study Around Your Schedule
  • Time to Absorb Information
  • Study Partners
  • Low Cost Option to Strengthen Your Development Skills
Checkout Classes


/12 Weeks

  • Try coding before a huge financial commitment.
    - or -
    Join us after a Bootcamp!
  • Checkout Classes
  • Expensive
  • Full-time Commitment
  • Inflexible Curriculum
  • Unrealisitic Pace
  • Shallow Understanding of Too Many Topics
  • No Support After Program Ends
  • Mixed Results

4 Yr Degree

/4 Years

  • Try coding before or after
    a college degree.
    - and -
    Always great to have additional career skills!
  • Checkout Classes
  • 4+ Year Commitment
  • Cost of Bachelor's Degree
  • No Way to Sample Before Huge Financial Commitment
  • Long Road Before Able to Work
  • May Not Be Job-Ready Skills

A Community to Learn and Grow
as a Web Developer.

Join Our Web-Development Classes.
Learn to Code part time.

Proudly Based in Los Angeles, California.